
Droplist Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What is a Droplist Domain? A droplist domain is a domain name that has expired and is about to... Email troubleshooting Setting up new email for the first time can be confusing.  If you have issues, here are some... Help! I can't access your services If your browser is saying website is not available: The most common reason is that your IP... Help! I tried to transfer a domain to you but it cancelled Transfers are automatically processed.  If your transfer key has expired or is invalid (.nz... Help! It's my first time, I don't where where to begin Your first time launching a website can be daunting.  In the beginning there will be a lot of... Help! Your website keeps logging me out If your IP address changes between loading the page and requesting the next page or submitting a... How (and when) to transfer a .nz domain name Changing email or webhosting providers does NOT require a domain name to be transferred To use a... How to pick a good domain name Here are some simple rules to follow: 1) Keep it short: A short name is easier for people to... How to set up email If you want to set up an email address with your new domain name, you will also need to purchase... My domain expired, how do I get it back? Domain names that expire have a redemption window, this varies by registry but is typically... My email is full but my disk quota is not fully used If you have full email but unused disk quota. Step 1: Log into your Dashboard > Log in to... Nameservers and DNS settings A nameserver is where your DNS settings are stored.  DNS settings define how your domain name... Transferring a .nz domain to us It is FREE to transfer a .nz domain to us .nz domain names can be transferred at any point after... What is a "premium domain"? Some top-level domain ("tld") registries have deliberately set the price of certain domain names... What is a domain name? A Domain Name is NOT a website  A Domain Name is like a street address, it tells people where to...
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